HCU and The Handpan Timeline

Have you heard about the recent, and very serious legal battles happening in the EU regarding handpans? It started in the summer of 2020 and will likely continue on for years to come. In response to these threats, Handpan Community United (HCU) was established and has been working hard to counter the legal claims. If the claims were to stand, it would illegal to manufacture handpans in the EU.

In late April of 2020, PANArt, the company making the claims, legally seized Ayasa Handpans’ instruments with the intent to destroy them.

As a founder and current board member of HCU, I wanted to bring this to your attention. The last few months have been very intense. We are continuously raising funds in order to stay in the legal battle.

Just published, the Handpan Timeline! Learn history, check sources, research and double check. The Handpan Timeline is a crowdsourced project that was voluntarily created and is voluntarily maintained--’the purpose being to create a timeline of sources on the history of the musical instrument known as the handpan’. While the Handpan Timeline Team makes no claim to completeness, it is a very extensive timeline and one that is constantly expanding and growing. No new content is created specifically for the timeline; it only shows references to existing sources. It has proven to be an incredible resource for HCU and if you are at all interested in learning about the factual history of handpans be sure to visit.


Production update: the bags are arriving and the first Xeniths from this batch will start shipping early next week!


The bags have arrived!


Learning Curve - Automations!