Return to River Rd!

I am excited to announce my return to 1200 River Rd. Fulton Crossing was my home from 2013 until 2020. When I left in 2020, I sent the following email to my landlord:

I cleared out of Suite E today. Amazing to think that it's been as long as it has. I spent a 5th of my life in that shop. I started from scratch and built an internationally recognized brand. I revolutionized the industry with a machine that I built in that shop. I recorded an album in that shop. I welcomed customers from 5 continents and sent instruments built-in that shop to 6 continents. 

Thank you for your support and the opportunity to thrive at Fulton Crossing. I will miss the courtyard and promise to not be a stranger. 

When the opportunity to return to Fulton Crossing arose, I called Jake Murdock, my long-time employee, and asked him why would we NOT return. His immediate answer was, “That’s where ALL the good ideas happened!” And he was correct. Everything from hydroforming to the Xenith process came to fruition here. And while Suite E wasn’t available, the crown jewel of the courtyard, Suite D was. It wasn’t the right shop for me in years past, but its a great fit now—two stories with views of the courtyard along with panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards.

It has been a joyous return, surrounded by my old community and new creatives. Besides having to take a wall down, a few doors off their hinges, and renting some specialty equipment, the move wasn’t all that bad <sarcasm>. I’m excited to be settling into my new space, arguably my best workshop yet.


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