Introducing The Xenith8 Clarity and the Xenith Clarity Expanse

The Xenith8 Clarity

What’s the big deal about stainless steel? I jokingly say that stainless steel is the ‘cool new kid on the block’ but that’s not entirely true. Stainless steel has been on the rise in the greater handpan world for a number of years now.

One of the big advantages of stainless steel is that it does not need to be gas nitrided. Gas nitriding is a heat treatment that is done to low carbon steel handpan shells for several reasons—it increases its ability to be more resilient to things like rust, it creates a sharper timbre, and most importantly, makes it strong enough to withstand and hold compression from the tuning process.

A major upside to stainless steel is that it naturally posses these characteristics and completely bypasses the need for gas nitriding. A downside is that it tends to be inherently more expensive and a more ornery material to work with, both in forming and tuning. While it make take a little more taming than nitrided steel, it does yield a result that lends itself to a highly sensitive instrument with greater sustain.

The Xenith8 Clarity was built upon the knowledge gained by having made hundreds of Xeniths. Leveraging the best aspects of stainless steel, the resulting instrument is full-bodied and bright, with breathy sustain. Subsequently, the Xenith8 Clarity can lead to both introspective grounding and energetic outpourings.

Production is set to start in May, I’m accepting pre-orders until the end of April. The pre-order price is $1,600usd. The production price will be $2,000usd. As with previous pre-orders, if you know you want one but are uncertain of the scale, you can select “I’m Still Deciding” at check out to secure your production spot then take the time you need in order to make an informed decision.

Xenith Clarity Expanse

The Xenith Clarity Expanse brings the Xenith into current times. Featuring expanded scales, alternative layouts, and bottom notes, the Expanse looks to push the boundaries and provide greater melodic opportunities while still being in the compact 20” stainless steel shell.

The Expanse is a place where I can explore my creative side and take a break from the rhythm of usual production. For the last year I did not accept orders for the Expanse or make them on commission. I am now ready to accept orders.

The notes in brackets [like this] indicate that they are bottom notes. The notes are always listed low to high. Take a deep dive on Xenith Expanse scale design.


Super Bloom 2023


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